Why Printed Catalog is Important?

In this post, I am going to show the importance of printed catalog based on my experience with customers. We will cover mainly 3 topics about catalogs: 1) Reliability, 2) Personalized Experience, and, 3) Cost-Effectiveness. We all know that this is the digital age. Almost everyone is on digital platform. So it is important for your business to stand out from crowd to effectively position your products. But people always want personalized experience from businesses. It may be not possible on digital platform. But it is possible for printed things. When you are going to meet your customers with printed catalogs, it gives personalized experience to them. And it is the most important thing for any business for long-term success. Let’s dive into three features of catalogs.

1) Reliability

This is the simple word, but implementation of it in real-time is difficult. Printed catalogs are the most reliable way to convey your product’s information. Because once it is printed it can’t be changed. It gives positive psychological effect on customer’s mind.
Digital catalog is easy to distribute, but people spend more time with your printed catalog than your digital one. Printed things increase the trustworthiness of given information. According to survey done by American Press Institute, printed material is easy to read and less distractible. Users of printed catalogs are more likely to interact with business owners as it gives value and credibility.

2) Personalized Experience

Distribution of printed catalogs takes time and effort. But nothing big can achieve without measured efforts. When you personally meet your customers and give commercial catalog to him/her, it will be an ever-remembering experience.
According to Harvard Business Review, to get the heart of customers personalized experience is the most important thing. Whenever any need arouses in their mind, they will surely contact your company. No one can challenge importance of one to one selling. Even big companies hire public relationship manager to give personalized experience to their customers.

3) Cost-Effectiveness

As we all know that printed catalogs are costlier than digital catalogs. But when it comes to calculating ROI, it will be more pocket-friendly. Let’s say you have designed catalog for 100/- rupees. You have digitally promoted if for 200/- rupees. Your total digital catalog cost is 300/-. But you generated revenue of only 100/- rupees. On the other-side you have bulk printed catalogs it for 500/-. Because of personalized experience, you generated revenue of 1500/-. It is clear that printed catalog is more affordable, when you want return on investment. Some things never expire, as their importance is ever lasting for consumers and businesses. Hope you got understand why printed catalog is important. If you still have any query, you can comment below or contact us at any time.

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